Mind to Mind – Share the Happiness

In a world where words often fail,
Mind to mind, not a daunting trail.
Why shy from thoughts, pure and bright?
No danger lies in speaking right.
Self-imposed bars, why do we build?
Restrictions tight, our dreams are chilled.
But life, my friend, is short and sweet,
In its simplicity, find your beat.
Happiness, a treasure rare,
Guard it well, with utmost care.
Do no wrong, stay on the path,
Live ethically, free from wrath.
Beauty, in every sight you see,
A joy, a gift, for you and me.
Celebrate others, their journey’s stride,
In their success, let your heart reside.
Helping hands, they pave the way,
In giving, we truly sway.
Together, we rise, the society whole,
A victory dance for every soul.
So let’s embrace this simple truth,
In living right, we find our youth.
Mind to mind, let’s break the chains,
For happiness, love, and boundless gains
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